How to read the whole Bible!
Part of my Life Plan is writing this blog and connecting you to great resources! I’m so glad you’re reading this post, because this is the most important one yet.
Knowing who God is and what He wants to accomplish is something many people seek. I sure did and still do.
Sadly, only 2% of Christians have ever read the Bible from cover to cover.
The challenge here is that a lot of people just don’t read that much anymore. Maybe you do. Maybe you have read, or continue to read, the Bible, but I would venture to bet that not a lot of your friends, or family, have. I have a heart for people who are not yet reading God’s Word because until 10 years ago, I hadn’t either. It just sounded too difficult, intimidating, challenging and complicated. It was on my “Bucket List”, but so were a lot of other important things.
That is why I am so excited about The Story. It is a condensed Bible that reads like a novel. Instead of the traditionally accepted format of the whole scripture text, it is broken down into major memorable stories to be read over 31 weeks in short chapters. Instead of being 1,500 pages, as some Bibles are, The Story
is just 470 pages. That means that anyone can experience the life changing experience of reading through a condensed Bible in an average of just 2 to 3 pages a day, in 31 weeks. This would only take most of us less than ten minutes each day.
I meet many in and outside the church who say they are just too busy to read the Bible. That was my story too. Except that my life is completely different now. I am so much more at peace in spite of obstacles. The Bible has changed me like no other resource before or since. The entry point to reading this book for you is now even easier. Becoming Biblically literate just isn’t as daunting anymore.
Growing up I never had anyone tell me how important and life-changing reading the Bible could be. Even though I was in and out of churches over my childhood, there was never any encouragement to read the Bible on my own. Plus, it’s a BIG book, seemingly insurmountable. It got boring too – most of us stop reading when we arrive at all the “begets”! It was something that I might get to someday just to say that I’d done it.
But once I got through it, I was surprised how much of our Western society is based on Biblical principles. It helps me to better understand literature, politics and other religions. How can you do this without a basic understanding of the most published of all books?
The most amazing thing is reading The Story and discovering God’s amazing plan for his people and his continuing love for us. For ME!
I will often encourage you to read the Bible.
What started as a duty for me has now become a daily habit. Each day, I see what God, through His Word, has to say to me. It is only because of these few minutes each day that I am beginning to know God.
Attitude Haven’t you always wanted to be able to say that you’ve read the Bible?
Action Order and start reading The Story (Kindle edition), by Zondervan with Randy Frazee and Max Lucado, now.
Be transformed by the renewing of your mind. (Romans 12:2)
How do you think reading The Story Bible could change you?
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