Productivity: The Secret To Achieving More And Working Less

Most people in the world operate with a 1 to 1 approach to life. One hour work equals one-hour pay. Productivity is limited by the number of hours in a week. Productivity isn’t always focused and without a life plan priorities are often missed.
Successful entrepreneurs are not like most people. Never content to settle for a 1 to 1 relationship between efforts and results they achieve far higher levels of productivity. We all know someone whose productivity is outstanding.

Productivity Efficient Teamwork Productive People Working Together Lifting Word

The problem is if you’re already working as hard as you can, you’ve hit a limit on what you can produce. So how do they do it? How can you learn to increase your productivity?


Jesus provides the answer. In his first and most famous teaching metaphor, the Parable Of The Sower (Mathew 13:1-23) Jesus describes four different scenarios in which an investment, in this case seed, produced significantly different levels of productivity.

How To Start A Business For $100

Match you entrepreneurial spirit with reality! If you think that starting a small business is hard, think again. In our home building company we overcame three common obstacles; fear of failure, a perceived lack of money and lack of knowledge. How can I inspire you to start a business?

Reality today is society is being fundamentally changed by the impact of the Internet and the connection economy. 63% of 20 something’s want to start a business, but where do you begin?


The smartest man who ever lived, with a modern day estimated net worth of over one trillion, was King Solomon. His wisdom is recorded in the Bible, he said…

The naive believe everything… but a wise man looks well into a matter.

Proverbs 14: 15

If you are looking into how to start a business, begin by reading multiple books on entrepreneurship. Use this approach to eliminate the risk of starting down an unsustainable path. Risk is part of any business venture but avoid making common mistakes by learning from others.

Three Questions To Help Find Work You Love

Are you looking for career advice? Through high school and university I had a variety of jobs: commercial fisherman, fish factory worker, infantryman, laborer and bricklayer. Then something amazing happened – success! But how? How do you find work you love that leads to success?


Research shows that up to 70% of people hate their jobs. Many of my friends do not love their work. Now their children are in school wrestling with the tension of what to study and what careers to pursue. Many people I know are still wondering how to find work you love.

New Leadership Model Helps You Make a Difference

Sometimes you need to look back to move forward. Looking back in history we uncover how people connected on the basis of their shared values and ideas. When they connected they started communities, companies, revolutions – they made a difference. What about BIG differences today?


Do you want to begin making a difference ?. Someone who has already made a huge difference is Seth Godin. Seth is an entrepreneur and the most popular business blogger in the world. He makes some profound observations about marketing ideas in this digital age. He often tells people “Go make a difference”. I wonder how to make big changes first in myself, then in people around me. All leadership starts with self, then leading others.

There are probably some things you believe in. We all have dreams, passions and desires. But how do you lead others to believe in your hobby, interest, business, or cause? William James said “The great use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it.”

See How Easily You Can Achieve Your Goals

Coaching people I help them uncover their opportunities and obstacles. The single biggest obstacle for people is unclear goals. Why aren’t they clear – they’re not written down! Sounds simple right, but when you miss this important first step it’s easy to drift aimlessly in generalities without the capacity to look 3, 5, or 10 years ahead with focused direction.


Opportunities are often missed when your goals are vague and not in writing!

God gives us clear direction on this topic:

The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty.

Proverbs 21:5

Retirement: Wild, Happy and Free!

Retirement is a relatively new concept. Our great grandparents didn’t outlive their usefulness in order to indulge themselves in the thought of retiring. I used to think that if I had enough financial resources I could retire. But I have decided to RE-wire!  I’ve changed my focus from building homes to building people.

Society baits us into thinking it’s all about the nest egg. We don’t want to think about work when we retire. Certainly scripture is clear about the need and reward of work. I do not believe in retirement, as I do not think it’s Biblical.


The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.

Genesis 2:15

How can you “Re-wire” and change your work focus?  Do it in balance and with different rewards.

How To Find Your Mission In Life

At 36 I woke up.  Until then, my focus was on the drive to achieve success as a builder and investor. Then one question changed my focus. What do I want to be remembered for?

Maybe you haven’t really thought about this yet.

Look around and then look inside. The frantic pace of life and business leave many unexamined lives. Instead we need to learn to find our mission in life.  Once that mission in life is discovered a whole new focus will emerge. Do you know your personal mission in life? We all want our life to count.


In planning, the best place to begin is at the end. Imagine your funeral. What are people saying about you? You still have time to shape that conversation. If you don’t think about this question, it will cost you – for eternity. Picture your life like a dollar bill, how do you want to spend it?

One Book You Must Read Before Starting A Business

One of my greatest joys is giving to others and seeing their success.

When I started out, working as a homebuilder superintendent, I had one boss. When self-employed I had many bosses: clients, banks, tradespeople, suppliers. To take back control and grow my business I needed systems and procedures for everyone to follow.


We all dream of being our own boss … but it’s not that easy. Learning from others’ successes, and failures can save you a lot of headache!  Become and avid reader of resources that can help.  When we learn from others, and we can grow faster and move farther.

Having grown my business to great success, I want to inspire and motivate others to do the same. One key principle used in life and business is to treat others the way you want to be treated.

Achieve Your Goals

How can I encourage and motivate others to achieve what they set out to do? These are questions I’ve been asking myself.

How can I be engaging, inspiring and helpful in motivating others to achieve their success?


I’ve made a habit of writing out my life goals .. checking and updating them regularly. Looking back it is amazing to see, by God’s grace, how many have been achieved. Apparently, only 3% of people have written goals. If you don’t write your plan down … you are less likely to achieve it.

How To Become An Entrepreneur?

As a child, I dreamed of being an entrepreneur, of starting a business. At age 25, I began Land Ark Homes. It was a modest home building business that grew in 20 years to build over 350 luxury estate homes. I became a legitimate entrepreneur.


This is a shared dream, many of us want to be an entrepreneur and run our own businesses.

Throughout those 20 years I began focusing more on my strengths and passions and delegating responsibility to others with skills that complemented mine. Later, I was free to focus on what I did best and eventually find the work I love. With that came the responsibility of partners and employees. Ultimately, my job became serving people: the staff and our customers. This is one of the secrets to winning in business – being eager to serve.