How To PREPARE Financially

After 9/11 and hurricane Katrina occurred, the concept of emergency preparedness became a common household conversation. Then came the financial crisis of 2008. Remember how that started? Do you know what has changed since then? Opinions vary on the specific outcomes of the crisis and the response to it; but one thing is sure many people are not financially prepared for the future.

are you prepared handwritten on blackboard

are you prepared handwritten on blackboard

How can I make such a bold statement? Here are some facts to consider:


Only half of all U.S. households are prepared for retirement.

70.7% of households have a mortgage

76% of people live paycheque to paycheque

99% of us are not in the top 1% of income earners

Everyone is scared According to Nobel Prize winner Robert Shiller: 3 minute video


Most can relate to feeling challenged to be more financially prepared. Things are changing quickly. Where our parents may have been concerned about the future of their grandchildren, our generation is worried about its own financial wellness!But where do you turn to for information? What are we to do?

God has plenty to say to clarify our present day situation that is timeless and applicable giving us meaning, purpose and hope.


The prudent see danger and take refuge but the simple keep going and suffer for it.

Proverbs 27:12




We must live like the sons of Issachar, “men who understood the times, with knowledge of what Israel should do”

I Chronicles 12:32

New Leadership Model Helps You Make a Difference

Sometimes you need to look back to move forward. Looking back in history we uncover how people connected on the basis of their shared values and ideas. When they connected they started communities, companies, revolutions – they made a difference. What about BIG differences today?


Do you want to begin making a difference ?. Someone who has already made a huge difference is Seth Godin. Seth is an entrepreneur and the most popular business blogger in the world. He makes some profound observations about marketing ideas in this digital age. He often tells people “Go make a difference”. I wonder how to make big changes first in myself, then in people around me. All leadership starts with self, then leading others.

There are probably some things you believe in. We all have dreams, passions and desires. But how do you lead others to believe in your hobby, interest, business, or cause? William James said “The great use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it.”

Five Keys to Achieving Your Goals

Setting S.M.A.R.T. goals works! Many people want to achieve goals and as an executive life coach I work alongside them. But success is never an accident. It starts with a goal and it’s only by studying the success of others that this pattern emerged and was crafted. As a homebuilder our company success was based on setting and achieving goals. This strategy worked as the net profitability increased 10 fold.


We thrive when we set and achieve goals. God gave us these desires in the first place and He wants us to take action to achieve His purposes.

See How Easily You Can Achieve Your Goals

Coaching people I help them uncover their opportunities and obstacles. The single biggest obstacle for people is unclear goals. Why aren’t they clear – they’re not written down! Sounds simple right, but when you miss this important first step it’s easy to drift aimlessly in generalities without the capacity to look 3, 5, or 10 years ahead with focused direction.


Opportunities are often missed when your goals are vague and not in writing!

God gives us clear direction on this topic:

The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty.

Proverbs 21:5

Achieve Your Goals

How can I encourage and motivate others to achieve what they set out to do? These are questions I’ve been asking myself.

How can I be engaging, inspiring and helpful in motivating others to achieve their success?


I’ve made a habit of writing out my life goals .. checking and updating them regularly. Looking back it is amazing to see, by God’s grace, how many have been achieved. Apparently, only 3% of people have written goals. If you don’t write your plan down … you are less likely to achieve it.

What Does Success Mean To You?

We measure it, strive for it, endlessly compare ourselves to others’ and often it requires great sacrifice – but what is success anyway? Look up the definition and success is: “setting a goal and achieving it.” Sound reasonable? Well that’s true until one starts to think about what goals we should strive to achieve? Our world usually defines success in terms of money, fame, popularity, followers, etc. but let’s take a more alternative view of it.



Charles Stanley offers a great definition of success that I love in his book “Success God’s Way.” He defines success as “The continuing achievement of becoming the person God wants you to be and accomplishing the goals God has helped (or directed) you to set.” This is very different, almost counter intuitive, from society’s view.