See How Easily You Can Achieve Your Goals

Coaching people I help them uncover their opportunities and obstacles. The single biggest obstacle for people is unclear goals. Why aren’t they clear – they’re not written down! Sounds simple right, but when you miss this important first step it’s easy to drift aimlessly in generalities without the capacity to look 3, 5, or 10 years ahead with focused direction.


Opportunities are often missed when your goals are vague and not in writing!

God gives us clear direction on this topic:

The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty.

Proverbs 21:5

What’s your Life Plan?

Whoa… I realize even for the organized and responsible person a life plan can sound intimidating. After all, aren’t there so many unexpected events? But here’s a thought for those of you that have narrowed your focus and turned your car into a rolling university like I mentioned when I asked Who Has Time For That? That focus and balance fits into your life plan.  Here’s how.


Teachers like Zig Ziglar has something he calls the “wheel of life.”

The seven spokes on the wheel represent different areas in our lives that must be balanced for our lives to turn evenly. He says that unless you have yourself in shape in a variety of ways, then you are in no shape to help and serve others.