How To Start A Business For $100

Match you entrepreneurial spirit with reality! If you think that starting a small business is hard, think again. In our home building company we overcame three common obstacles; fear of failure, a perceived lack of money and lack of knowledge. How can I inspire you to start a business?

Reality today is society is being fundamentally changed by the impact of the Internet and the connection economy. 63% of 20 something’s want to start a business, but where do you begin?


The smartest man who ever lived, with a modern day estimated net worth of over one trillion, was King Solomon. His wisdom is recorded in the Bible, he said…

The naive believe everything… but a wise man looks well into a matter.

Proverbs 14: 15

If you are looking into how to start a business, begin by reading multiple books on entrepreneurship. Use this approach to eliminate the risk of starting down an unsustainable path. Risk is part of any business venture but avoid making common mistakes by learning from others.

Five Skills to Become a Millionaire

Who doesn’t want more money? Here’s a site that gives a list of most wanted goals that people have declared they want to make for themselves.  Take a  look at 43 Things. Some common items seen involve acquiring more money. Things like getting out of debt. Becoming financially independent. Work because I like to, not because I have to. Save money. Travel. The problem is over 65% of Americans do not have a net worth of $100,000. In Canada the average is $200,000.


Everybody wants to have more, do more, be more but where do you turn to for advice? For some the goal is trying to get out of debt. Others are people who have already arrived at the destination of affluence.

Five Keys to Achieving Your Goals

Setting S.M.A.R.T. goals works! Many people want to achieve goals and as an executive life coach I work alongside them. But success is never an accident. It starts with a goal and it’s only by studying the success of others that this pattern emerged and was crafted. As a homebuilder our company success was based on setting and achieving goals. This strategy worked as the net profitability increased 10 fold.


We thrive when we set and achieve goals. God gave us these desires in the first place and He wants us to take action to achieve His purposes.

How To Win Friends and Influence People

Relationship is the stuff that life is truly made of. Not the artificial relationships in schools or social and business environments where forced inclusion is expected. Rather, chosen and nurtured relationships.

How do true friendships and spheres of influence form?

Moving often as a child I found myself accepting the notion that friends are due to proximity. Geography not genuine concern defined my friendships.


We know friends are important because they impact and establish the quality and direction of our lives. Without friends we have no influence because no one’s listening. Leadership is influence.

The Magic of Thinking Big

“Go big or stay home!” You’ve heard it and you’re ready to take your success to the next level. How? Where’s the game plan for BIG ideas and BIG success. Are you tired of making little achievable goals because the epic, grand vision, blue sky thinking goals are too lofty?

Only 3% of people set goals. Fear of failure holds most people back. But wouldn’t you rather be the person who is brave enough to imagine possibilities at the expense of being occasionally disappointed? Someone thinking big and setting a big goal enabled the masses to enjoy electricity, light bulbs, cars, radios, airplanes, T.V., computers, cell phones, iPods……you get the picture.


Recently I saw a video that inspired me to write down my giving goals. This little girl wants to make the world a better place by providing 500,000 chickens for the poor. That’s a big goal for this little girl!

What’s your BIG goal? Where do you start?

How To Show Someone You Care by Giving Away Resources

Here’s my scenario…..I meet people often and the majority of the time they are experiencing problems. No surprise there! We all have problems. But meetings are short and some problems are long….so conveying meaningful caring concern and attempting to help is often difficult. Trying to explain how, changed thinking  changes your life over a meal or coffee….is impossible! Unless a tool to leverage the time is used.

That’s where all the resources in this blog come into the picture. But in the end of this post, I am not the hero. You are.


Have you had problems, found solutions and then shared the experience with other people? On so many levels our culture is exploding with this method of teaching and learning.  Just think….Do it Yourself Network, Pintrest and so many, many others!

But when you have knowledge and are an expert at something you’re vulnerable. You can easily forget how the wisdom and knowledge was gained – you catch the “curse of knowledge”. So, here’s a suggestion.

How To Become Smarter…Part 2

Married? Have kids? Have parents? Got any clients? If you’ve got a pulse, someone in your life regularly says to you, “listen”

How to become smarter…..choose wisely who you listen to. Listening leads to learning. It’s got BIG consequences.  My life has been defined by the voices I have listened to and those I have tuned out. If there was a “rewind” button for life there are voices I should have turned up and some should have been turned off!


But we can’t turn back time. What we can do is learn to listen with greater discernment now. There are many competing voices and there is the voice within us. The voice within us needs a source of wisdom.

One Book You Must Read Before Starting A Business

One of my greatest joys is giving to others and seeing their success.

When I started out, working as a homebuilder superintendent, I had one boss. When self-employed I had many bosses: clients, banks, tradespeople, suppliers. To take back control and grow my business I needed systems and procedures for everyone to follow.


We all dream of being our own boss … but it’s not that easy. Learning from others’ successes, and failures can save you a lot of headache!  Become and avid reader of resources that can help.  When we learn from others, and we can grow faster and move farther.

Having grown my business to great success, I want to inspire and motivate others to do the same. One key principle used in life and business is to treat others the way you want to be treated.

Achieve Your Goals

How can I encourage and motivate others to achieve what they set out to do? These are questions I’ve been asking myself.

How can I be engaging, inspiring and helpful in motivating others to achieve their success?


I’ve made a habit of writing out my life goals .. checking and updating them regularly. Looking back it is amazing to see, by God’s grace, how many have been achieved. Apparently, only 3% of people have written goals. If you don’t write your plan down … you are less likely to achieve it.

Balance Work and Life

There is a lot written about gaining balance in your life. Everyone has their story and I’m happy to share mine.

In the early years of starting our home building business, 60 hour weeks were the norm! When we hired staff 10 years later, long workweeks were STILL the norm. There was never enough time to get everything done at work. Work was cheating my family time. It was nearly impossible to achieve the elusive work life balance.


Picture the work life balance like a scale…one side wins and the other side loses. We need to learn to “cheat” at work and stop cheating at home. We often cheat our family by spending too much time at work, or on fitness, or a hobby. Cut back on being so “busy” and be balanced!